Our filters have been published in the FIAMC, as a model to sanitize the water in countries where it is not possible to use its massive purification. Doctors use the new membrane filtration systems to obtain microbiologically pure water as final users. With filters, all types of pathogens are retained, offering sterile filtration, protecting all patients against nosocomial diseases and offering a safe protection without changing the temperature of the water. The housing is treated bacteriostatically with an additive that prevents the growth of bacteria being these filters very appropriate for the food and medical industry. In addition the filters are 100% compatible with other methods such as chlorination cleaning, thermal shocks etc.
Alexander Fleming Antibiotic revolution is nowadays not so effective
Fotografía: Ariadna Creus i Àngel García There are many articles describing a reality, and that is none other that there are many deaths caused by nosocomial